November Luncheon 2 Category 11 Category 12 Category 3 Category 9 Category 13 Category 8 Category 5 Category 4 Category 7 Category 1 Category 10 Category October Luncheon 13 Category 10 Category 2 Category 6 Category 9 Category 12 Category 3 Category 14 Category 8 Category 4 Category 7 Category 5 Category 11 Category March Luncheon Phil Johnson & Will Driscoll Category Student Athlete Jaden Bullock, Wrestling, Oscar Smith High School wCSC Pres Jim Cleavenger Category Sue Dixon, Legends of Honor Awardee Category Kyle McMullin, Christopher Newport Athletic Director 3 Category Student Athlete Zane Roberts, Boys Swimming, Western Branch HS wJim Cleavenger, CSC Pres Category Student Athlete Chloe Barrett, Gymnastics, Hickory HS wCSC Pres Jim Cleavenger Category Sue Dixon, Legends of Honor Awardee Being Introduced by Ann Myers Category Sue Dixon ~ Ann Myers Playing Dean Martin Category Sue Dixon, Mar 2020 Legends of Honor Awardee w_Wilson Washington Category Student Athletes 2020 March #1 Category Sue Dixon, Legends of Honor Awardee wCSC Pres Jim Cleavenger Category Bobby Clifton & Keith Robinson Category Kevin Cole Introducing Student Athletes Category Jim Cleavenger, CSC President 2020 #1 Category Kyle McMullin, Guest Speaker Mar 2020 Being Introduced by Will Driscoll Category Kyle McMullin, Christopher Newport Athletic Director 1 Category Student Athlete Sophie Knepper, Girls Swimming, Great Bridge HS wCSC Pres Jim Cleavenger Category Phil Johnson Receiving Award For HIs Accomplishments as the CSC 2019 President from Jim Cleavenger Category Kyle McMullin, Christopher Newport Athletic Director wCSC Pres Jim Cleavenger Category Sue Dixon, Legends of Honor Awardee Mar 2020 Category February Luncheon 9 Category 1 Category 17 Category 6 Category 5 Category 18 Category 11 Category 2 Category 3 Category 13 Category 10 Category 12 Category 4 Category 14 Category 7 Category 8 Category January Luncheon 9 Category 28 Category 34 Category 2 Category 23 Category 19 Category 6 Category 12 Category 17 Category 37 Category 13 Category 41 Category 33 Category 8 Category 11 Category 21 Category 10 Category 27 Category 14 Category 29 Category 4 Category 39 Category 43 Category 40 Category 16 Category 38 Category 44 Category 25 Category 2020 Photos Facebook Email